Price lists for 2023 published

Price lists for 2023 published

New price lists have been published and are available for download in the portal. The continuing shortages in electronics have...

HR-ELPI+XLS Calculation sheet updated

HR-ELPI+XLS Calculation sheet updated

HR-ELPI+XLS Calculation sheet has been updated to version 1.2.2. In the previous version, the dilution factor modification in data file...

New User Manuals

New User Manuals

Two new user manuals have been added to the Dekati portal: Dekati DAT user manual for the new Data analysis...

Document updates in Dekati Portal

Document updates in Dekati Portal

A new feature has been added to the Dekati Portal and this enables you to get email alerts from the...

Updated brochures

Updated brochures

Couple of brochures have been updated to the Dekati Portal and Dekati website: Dekati® High Resolution ELPI®+ product brochure: Mention...

Dekati® Oxidation Flow Reactor DOFR™

Dekati® Oxidation Flow Reactor DOFR™

Dekati® Oxidation Flow Reactor DOFR™ is now available and it will be published in our website this week! The product...