HR-ELPI+XLS Calculation sheet updated HR-ELPI+XLS Calculation sheet updated HR-ELPI+XLS Calculation sheet has been updated to version 1.2.2. In the previous version, the dilution factor modification in data file...
DOFR™ webinar video DOFR™ webinar video The video recording of the webinar “New instrument for secondary aerosol (SA) formation studies: Dekati® Oxidation Flow Reactor DOFR™” held...
Webinar June 14th: New Dekati® Oxidation Flow Reactor Webinar June 14th: New Dekati® Oxidation Flow Reactor Join our free webinar on our new instrument for secondary aerosol (SA) formation studies: Dekati® Oxidation Flow Reactor DOFR™! During...
Portal update Portal update The Dekati Portal is currently being updated and you may experience some problems especially with downloading larger files. We’re trying...
ELPI®+ Data Analysis Tool for HR-ELPI®+ ELPI®+ Data Analysis Tool for HR-ELPI®+ A beta version of the new ELPI®+ data analysis tool is now available for all HR-ELPI®+ users in the Dekati...
NEW: Dekati® Oxidation Flow Reactor DOFR™ NEW: Dekati® Oxidation Flow Reactor DOFR™ We are proud to introduce a new instrument for secondary aerosol formation studies! The New Dekati® Oxidation Flow Reactor DOFR™...
Season’s Greetings Season’s Greetings The whole Dekati team wishes you Happy Holidays, and healthy and successful year 2022! During the holiday season, Dekati will...
Mixing flow dilution stage for eDiluter™ and eDiluter™ Pro Mixing flow dilution stage for eDiluter™ and eDiluter™ Pro A new mixing flow dilution stage (eDilMix) for the Dekati® eDiluter™ and eDiluter™ Pro is now available. This additional part...
New MPEC+™ for PEMS measurements New MPEC+™ for PEMS measurements A new Dekati® Mobile Particle Emission Counter MPEC+™ is now available! The Dekati® MPEC+™ is a compact and accurate solid...
Free Webinar: Effect of elevated sample temperatures on aerosol measurements Free Webinar: Effect of elevated sample temperatures on aerosol measurements Join our free webinar on 17th of June, 2021.